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Hand Made Jewel Box

I designed and made this box in the last few days of college while waiting to take finals.
I wanted to make something by hand for my fiance ( now wife ).
Not only did I want it to be hand made, I wanted it to be obvious that it was.
Dovetails were the natural choice but I did not want to make a simple dovetailed box.
I came up with sloping the dovetails but not in the normal way. Instead I sloped only the outside of the box making the sides tapered. This had the advantage of allowing a removeable velvet covered board to be put in the bottom of the box.
As the dovetails became thinner toward the top I also reduced their height.
Finally it had to made in the finest wood available to me at the time which turned out to be American black walnut.
I finished it with an experimental silicone based liquid which was supposed to give it the look of a clear wax finish without the upkeep.
This turned out to be a bad choice and I refinished it some years later.
The box still sits on my wife's dresser these 42 years later.

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