This is a drawing I made in 1957 I photographed the finished drawing myself.
Unfortunately color photography was in it's infancy and not available to me at the time.

The people I worked for had been asked to refurbish the boardroom of a large shipping company.
My job was to design the furniture and choose room colors, carpets etc.
I went to the boardroom and took detailed measurements of all existing features. All the pillars and moldings were measured and noted as was the existing ship in it's glass case.
Next, in the studio, I made a detailed plan and elevations of the room. I decided where the furniture would sit and what dimentions would be best for their requirements. Because of the existing details in the room we had agreed on a Regency style of furniture. After designing each piece carefully to fit the period I was not finished.
I now had to present my designs in a way that all board members would understand. These were the days long before computers when a picture had to be done entirely by hand.
The picture you see is a measured perspective drawing, colored with watercolors to show the beautiful carpet and rich mahogany furniture.
I doubt anyone does this anymore since computers can not only do it for you but can even take you on a tour around the room.
I am glad to say that they accepted my designs in their entirety.
I cannot remember exactly how much time I had to invest to produce this result but it certainly took most of a 40 hour week.